Community Info

Here you will find links to external web pages we think you may find interesting. These links are not affiliated in any way with the Arbor Creek Homeowners Association, and are provided strictly as a convenience to our homeowners.

Village of Plainfield

Village of Plainfield:
The official web site of the Village of Plainfield, Illinois

Plainfield Area Chamber of Commerce
The Plainfield Area Chamber of Commerce welcomes the many businesses and industries to our area. They are our voice for issues and actions effecting business and industry.

Waste Management:
The schedule and information about waste and recycling for Plainfield.

Van Horn Woods Bike Park

The bike park, the only one of its kind in Illinois and one of the few in the Midwest, is located on the eastern edge of Van Horn Woods, along the I-55 Frontage Road between Route 30 and Caton Farm Road in Plainfield. Similar to a skate park but made of dirt, the free public bike park will feature dirt jumps of various sizes, a rhythm section of rolling berms, a pump track, and a skills area with obstacles such as logs and rocks. The park will be a safe environment designed for riders of all ages and skill levels with sections ranging from beginner to expert for riders to evolve in their sport. The bike park will provide a location for competitions, exhibition riding, and instructional classes. In addition, the park will provide a training ground for the Olympic sports of BMX racing, mountain bike racing, and freestyle competitions like the X-Games. Hosted by the Plainfield Park District and CAMBr West, the west chapter of Chicago Area Mountain Bikers.